The Sacred Maiden by Cara Wylde

The Sacred Maiden by Cara Wylde

Author:Cara Wylde [Wylde, Cara]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2020-02-24T06:00:00+00:00


No one was okay after that night. Not the four Ash Gods who’d gone back to the hotel, each hoping against all hope that their Keeper wouldn’t accept the Sun god’s deal. Not Valentina, who felt guilty, but at the same time believed she hadn’t done anything wrong. Not Elias, who wanted to be the only man in her life but knew Fate had decided that would never be possible. Not Sia, who was missing Piper and had the feeling that her job in New York was done. And not Magnus Luchtar, who dreaded that Sia was going to leave him alone with the Keeper and her very jealous and very powerful boyfriends. Unbeknownst to everyone, because Hades was still determined to remain hidden, the Greek god of the Underworld wasn’t okay, either. He didn’t want to follow her, yet he couldn’t stay away. She intrigued him. First, she’d barged into his life and asked him to tell her how to release Ravenna and get her Higher Self back. Then, when he’d done the research and come to her with an answer, she ignored him. She’d told him a dozen times that if he didn’t want to be her Hermit, it was fine. She’d look for another god aspect. Maybe he wanted to see whether she was going to do it. And if she did, what then? If she did find another aspect of Hades to be her Hermit, would he go back to the fifth dimension, go back to his old life, and live happily ever after alone? He didn’t know. He didn’t know much, these days, and maybe that was why he was following her. Everywhere she went, he went. And that was how they ended up in Rishikesh, India.

Valentina was exhausted when she reached the resort and spa where she’d booked a room. It was one of the most luxurious accommodations in this city that stood on the river Ganges. Between the walls of the resort, she felt like she was in an exotic paradise, with cocktails, good vegetarian food – not one person ate meat in Rishikesh, – and sharply dressed waiters asking her if she needed anything every five minutes. They were more than helpful for a few hundred rupees. Outside the walls, reality was different. Piles of garbage lined the narrow, winding streets, and skeletal men and women with shiny brown skin sold trinkets and fruit. Their shopping stands were chock full of fake stones. Women were trying to sell prayer beads made of colored plastic for four thousand rupees. It was agate, they said. Handmade. Valentina couldn’t deal with any of it. Not after such a long flight and another awfully long drive from New Delhi to this place. She decided to eat, go to the spa, and then sleep for as long as she could. She’d go look for her beggar the next day. This time, she had five rupees for him.

She woke up refreshed, had a light breakfast, then gathered her courage and adventured outside of the resort.


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